Pre-Vacation Checklist: What to Do Before Leaving on Vacation
Summer is a time for relaxing and vacationing with family and friends. But in the days leading up to vacation, there is so much to do that it’s easy to leave something undone, a mistake that could be costly and lead to headaches upon your return.
Before you jet set off to your summertime paradise, remember these tips from Castle Doctor on what to do at your Plano home before leaving on vacation:
· Raise your Refrigerator Temperature: Take a peek at your refrigerator’s thermostat. Is it on the supercool setting? Consider bumping your refrigerator temperature up a few degrees to prevent the refrigerator from overheating and blowing a circuit while you are away. Not to mention, the harder your refrigerator works, the higher the energy bills.
· Raise your Air Conditioner Temperature: While on vacation, you don’t need your Plano home as cool as you do when home for obvious reasons. Do not turn it off (that can promote mildew and mold in the home!), but rather, set it to be 10 degrees cooler than the average exterior temperature.
· Turn off Water Valves: It’s smart to turn these off at the source, just to be sure a leak doesn’t wreck havoc while you are away. Manually turn off the water to the washing machine, dishwasher, and exterior hose bibs. Put your water heater in “vacation mode” or shut it off completely as well.
· Unplug Small Appliances: Anything with a little “red” power light on it needs to be unplugged while you are gone. Not only will this give you piece of mind, but it will conserve energy as well.
· Clean out the Refrigerator: There is nothing like coming home to a refrigerator full of unwanted, old food. Use up all perishables before your trip, or if you can, put leftovers in the freezer to eat a later date.
If you come home from vacation and discover a home maintenance issue of any kind, call your friends at Castle Doctor immediately! Our Plano handyman service is here to tackle your problems in no time at all. Proudly serving Plano, Allen, Frisco, McKinney, and the greater Dallas area.